Paper man*
Paper Art Research in Robertson Park
The local Town of Vincent allowed me to install this test work in a park over the summer months to see how durable are my paper sculptures. It was made from documents and glossy magazines donated by the Town of Vincent Council, the community and The Language Centre.
Paper is made predominately from wood. So by compressing paper I am creating a compressed wood. The theory is that it should be as durable as a hardwood. Unfortunately these have been little, if any research done in this area, so this work was a test work. The local Town of Vincent allowed me to install this test work in a park over the summer months to see if the theory worked. The work was installed in the inner-city Robertson Park at dawn on October 9 2002, with the help of Brad Stapleton, Terry Dowling, Umberto Alfaro and Paul Carstairs. After three months I dismantled the work and examined the ageing of the paper. Then I recycled the more durable types of papers from this into a new work on a new steel rod.
The local Town of Vincent allowed me to install this test work in a park over the summer months to see how durable are my paper sculptures. It was made from documents and glossy magazines donated by the Town of Vincent Council, the community and The Language Centre.
Paper is made predominately from wood. So by compressing paper I am creating a compressed wood. The theory is that it should be as durable as a hardwood. Unfortunately these have been little, if any research done in this area, so this work was a test work. The local Town of Vincent allowed me to install this test work in a park over the summer months to see if the theory worked. The work was installed in the inner-city Robertson Park at dawn on October 9 2002, with the help of Brad Stapleton, Terry Dowling, Umberto Alfaro and Paul Carstairs. After three months I dismantled the work and examined the ageing of the paper. Then I recycled the more durable types of papers from this into a new work on a new steel rod.
*also called Lot’s Life